Thursday 28 November 2019

Animated Gif's - Reflection

The Presentation's done and dusted and there's a few things i learnt come the end of it.

First: The main focus of these assignments isn't about the history or showing that in our presentations it's more so about the hands on practical work and how we adapt to it. Presentation's are not about having all the facts written up on the screen and reading it out word by word. It's about having the ground work. What we learnt. What we did to make this assignemnt Animated Gif's come to life.

Second: As a TEAM how do we get our end product what was our step by step. Showing the process and how we all managed it together. Splitting the assignemnt into different segments and them putting it all together is not important or the aim. Working together. Helping eachother in area's some people in the team might not fully understand. working together to get the best end result.

Third: What did we learn?What did we find difficult? We're not being expected to have everything perfect but good enough that we show that we made a hand's on effort as apposed to just typing a bunch of words onto a document.

It's simple to google a bunch of facts and find out the origin. Learing how to make Animated Gif's and the tools and sortware needed to be used thats where the real challenge is. That is how we really found out about this topic. My only regret is not giving more time to the actual making of the gif's.

This is all definately things ill be bringing forward onto the next mission!

Thanks for Reading!

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