Thursday, 28 November 2019

Second Mission- Youtubing

Today i've been putting some thought into what i'd like to do for my second mission. I'm thinking along the lines of Youtubing. I've never really had the guts to do it and it is something I have wanted to start up for a while but afraid I would end up just making a fool of myself. 

Of course I had some reservations, I was afriad that people would make fun of me for putting myself out there on such a public platform. I decided to go ahead with it though because it was on a topic that I consume a lot of content on and one that i'm passionate about so that part felt natural. It felt like I was contributing to a community of like minded people that are all working to be the best they can be. 

The impression that I initially had was that Youtubing was only for people across the Atlantic and that it was this thing that was seperated from the real world. None of my friends or family have ever tried it so I was unsure how to start. So many questions ran through my head. Things like what equipment should I use, how long should the videos be, what type of content should be included. 

I looked towards some of the more famous people already on Youtbe for inspiration, people like James Charles,  Jeffery Star, Dani Mantsutti and some others. I tried to analyse their content to see what takeaways I could get. I was careful though not to steal ideas, I was looking for inspiration over all else. 

So I guess i'm officially a Youtuber in the making, trying to look at such a huge industry with so many moving parts is scary and hard not to become overwhelmed. I'm determined that if I just focus on what I am doing and do it for the right reasons that I will be successful. I am thinking of making a content calander for myself to set a schedule for myself to make sure I keep to what i say and really give this a good go. I want to be constantly looking forward and doing my best because I think people will connect with that, just an everyday girl taking a leap.

Thanks for reading!

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